i had a dream

last night I had a dream in which the Lord clearly was encouraging me to be more explicit in my invitations to people I meet to surrender their lives to the Lord AT THAT TIME.  I guess He will be bringing people to me who are more prepared and ready to make that commitment.  I'm excited to see what this week will bring.  I also guess that since it is the "old men [who] will dream dreams" (Joel 2/Acts 2) that I am getting to be more in that category now than in "young men will see visions" one.

we have been seeing that as soon as people are ready to be free from the demonic forces that are tormenting them (and believe me, many are being tormented even in the West regardless of the whether the Christians who are ministering to them believe that is the case!) they are ready to invite the Lord to come into and take control of their lives.

it is a new day - I really believe the Lord's dream to me last night was a reminder to cast the net and bring it in at that very time and see what's He will bring.

Christ told us that the harvest was ready - that was 2000 years ago.  I assume that we will continue to do more sowing and casting the net broadly, encouraging people along in the process of coming to Christ, but I need to, we need to assume that more of the people we are encountering are ready now to cross over and leave the Kingdom of darkness for good.
