Desperate for a Miracle

A group of us had the craziest experience down in the market area of our town this week. I had a word of knowledge for a back pain (I was feeling it strong) and so I was going around asking people if they had any back pain. No response from people. We walked a little further and there were some guys just standing around. I asked if one guy had back pain and he responded readily that he did. So I prayed for him and he was completely healed. He felt no more pain and his face was joyful. So the guys next him start telling us their pains. We pray, and more people come. We keep praying, and more people come. 30, 40, 50 people started to gather around us. It was crazy and in the middle of the day! People were pressing into us calling out their pains in desperation. I was praying for like 4 people at a time. I would pray for one, get him to check it out while I prayed for another. Knees were getting healed, backs, headaches, biceps, and more. One guy in our group was off a little further with his own crowd where he saw a man receive the gift of tears, and another had a gathering of men beside me. Another friend went into a shop and was praying for loads of people in there. So here we are in a public marketplace in a Muslim country with like over 100 men pressed in around us for prayer, and they are blocking the street. I had never seen anything like it. I started to freak out. I'm like - where is DJ right now. People were tugging on a local friend who had never prayed for the sick before and asking him to pray for their knees, shoulders and everything else, so he took off for a short while after having prayed for a few and saw breakthrough. I'm telling you, we were drawing all kinds of attention to ourselves and I felt like our window of grace was quickly evaporating. One in our group began to feel in the spirit that the principality over that market area was raising up so he told us we needed to get out of there before we got into some serious trouble. It was sad to just take off when there was such a need, but we needed to use wisdom so that we could continue the work. It was such a rush though, and we saw so many miracles within a twenty-minute span.

Whoa Jesus, do it again Lord!
