Crazy Prophetic

A couple of weeks ago, some new friends and I went out and about a mall to see what the Lord wanted to do. In one store, we came across a man who had been looking for a church home and a place to plug in. My friend and I felt like he had a real gift of discernment, which he confirmed. We were able to encourage him and break off some shame because he believed that he had missed his destiny because he wasn't in full-time ministry in a church. From there, we were able to pray for a woman whose son had a heart condition. We then met up with another group and went back to the cashiers and I introduced them as guys who would tell you what the Lord thought about you. My friend got a lot of great stuff for a couple of the women there.

Out that store and into another one. . .We stopped and started prophesying over the lady who greeted us. In the process, I saw a rainbow and asked her about it. Rather shocked, she said that she the rainbow had a deep meaning for her and that the Lord had used them time and time again as a symbol of promise.

The next store, the Lord blew our hats off. As we walked in, the greeter said hello and started telling us about their deals. One of the the guys with us looked at her and asked if she were an actress. She said, "Yes, how did you know?" He replied that God told him. I asked her if she played the guitar. Was it white? Did it have a red signature on it? She stepped back three feet and freaked out. She said her uncle had just signed it with a red pen. We went on to explain that God was telling us this stuff about her and that we felt that she was a leader. She agreed and told us of a recent mission trip she had been on where one of her friends had come up to her, and, in tears, told her how much she admired her. At that moment, the Lord gave me the name Christina, so I asked her. She freaked again and said, "That's the name of the girl I'm talking about!" At that point, another one of the guys asked her about Mollie and if she like coffee. She was really freaked out by now anyway and this pushed her on over: Mollie was her best friend.

As we were getting lunch, I got a word for a left foot so I asked the lady behind the counter. She said it did hurt from standing up all day. I went on to explain that I thought it was in her arch. She looked at me strangely and confirmed it. I told her that the Lord was healing her now and to check it out. She kind of smirked and moved it and said it felt a little better. I went on and declared that the Lord was healing her completely and had her move it again. She did and the pain was all gone!

We usually divide these posts up, but I wanted to underscore something here in the format as well-- God did all of the above in less than 1 hour.
